About Norman Center City Vision

The purpose of the City Center Vision (CCV) is to develop a vision and plan that will provide guidance and regulations for future development and redevelopment of the Central City. The project will reset the conversation from specific ad hoc projects to a broader vision and acknowledge, recognize and honor the work done previously by the community.
The project is jointly funded by the University of Oklahoma and the City of Norman. Norman Mayor Cindy Rosenthal observes “the Center City Vision Project is a way for us to connect the dots between our hopes for the future of Norman, good planning, and market demand. Vision can come from many places, but smart communities realize that engaging the public in the city-making process leads to better answers and a deeper public ownership of our future.”
The Center City Vision project area includes Downtown’s West Main Street and Campus Corner as well as residential neighborhoods in between,many of which are experiencing rapid change. Project boundaries are roughly Gray Street on the North, Boyd Street one the south, the BNSF tracks on the east and Flood Street on the west. Project partners the City of Norman and the University of Oklahoma chose a project boundary that includes Campus Corner, Downtown and the neighborhoods in between because the area is already experiencing significant development pressure. Both partners believe that developing a publicly-supported vision for this area will provide long-term benefits inside the project area and also in surrounding neighborhoods.
Center City Form Based Code 2023
Regulating Map 2023
More Information
Zoning Documents
TIF Documents
Initial Events & Meetings
On January 21, 2014, the Norman City Council approved a Memo of Understanding (MOU) between Center City Vision Project partners the City of Norman and the University of Oklahoma. The MOU establishes that the Center City Vision Project will be governed by a Steering Committee, which also includes an Executive Steering Committee.
- Steering Committee Description
- Minutes CCV Steering Committee 3.26.14
- Minutes CCV Steering Committee 3.27.14
- Steering Committee Meeting May 12, 2014 Agenda
- Minutes May 12, 2014
- Steering Committee Meeting November 4, 2014 Agenda
- Steering Committee Meeting December 9, 2014 Agenda
- Steering Committee Meeting July 10, 2015 Agenda
- Minutes July 10, 2015
- Steering Committee Meeting August 13, 2015 Agenda
- Minutes August 13, 2015
- Steering Committee Meeting September 23, 2015 Agenda
- Minutes September 23, 2015
- Steering Committee Meeting January 29, 2016 Agenda
- Steering Committee Meeting February 26, 2016 Agenda
- Steering Committee Meeting April 22, 2016 Agenda
- Steering Committee Meeting May 12, 2016
- Minutes May 12, 2016
- Steering Committee Meeting June 30, 2016 Agenda
- Minutes June 30, 2016
March 26, 2014 CCV Kick-Off Meeting
- March CCV Kick-Off Meeting
- Post It Vision Wall Transcriptions
- Strong Weak Table Transcriptions
- Norman Visual Preference Tally
- Strong, Weak Places Composites
May 12-16, 2014 CCV Charrette
Related Articles
- The Missing Middle by Dan Parolek
- Zoning FAQs