Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is responsible for considering and investigating any subject matter relating to the development and improvement of the City and make recommendations to the City Council concerning those developments and improvements. Planning Commission members investigate and report on developments such as new streets, new structures (such as buildings, statues, memorials, parks, and bridges), and land (parcels, plats and re-plats). Members are also responsible for holding public hearings on any proposed changes in zoning.

Planning Commissioners are appointed by the City Council and serve 3 year terms. Commissioners cannot be full-time City employees, members of the immediate family of any elected City official, or member of any other appointive board or commission. Commissioners must be residents of the City of Norman.

The Planning Commission holds monthly meetings on the 2nd Thursday of every month. A copy of the current Planning Commission Meeting Agenda is available in PDF format on the Agendas and Minutes page

An online story map of items that will change the Zoning District of the subject tract on the December12, 2024 Planning Commission Agenda is here. Clicking on the underlined Item Number will open the Planning Commission Agenda

You can find more information, including the members of the Commission on the Boards and Commissions page.