Online Code Violation Complaints

It is not required to provide contact information to report a code violation. However, there is no way for us to contact you if there is some reason why the complaint you reported is closed with no action being taken. Also, be sure to call our office at 405-366-5332 and ask for the inspector assigned to the area where the complaint was made for any updates regarding the issue(s) reported.

Complaints that are not under the purview of Code Compliance:

Animal Complaints are under the purview of Animal Welfare | 405-321-1444

Noise Complaints are under the purview of the Police Department | 405-321-1444

Parking Complaints on city streets or vehicles parked over the sidewalk portion of the driveway are under the purview of the Police Department | 405-321-1444

Polycart Placement issues are under the purview of Sanitation | 405-329-1023

Complaints entered here that are not under the purview of Code Compliance will be closed out as no violation. Call the telephone numbers shown above for those type of complaints.

File a Complaint Online