The mission of the Development Services Division of the Planning Department is to provide professional support to the community involved with building or altering the built environment of the community to protect health, safety and public welfare by enforcing the currently adopted building, state, and local codes consistent with the policies and ordinances adopted by the Norman City Council.
The Division provides services that impact all construction activities in the community including providing guidelines to individuals and businesses interested in all aspects of construction while maintaining the highest standard of professionalism and customer service. The Division is responsible for plan review, permitting and appropriate field inspections to conclude the construction activities with a Certificate of Occupancy (CO), or Certificate of Completion (CC) upon completion of construction of all types of building permits for lawful occupancy. To view some key indicators about the Development Services Division, please click HERE.

City of Norman E-Permitting

Supporting Documents & FAQ's
Supporting Documents & FAQ's

License Applications
Trade Contractor, Sign and Structure Moving licenses are required in the City of Norman. Please visit the City's E-Portal to apply for these licenses.

Medical Marijuana
All information regarding Medical Marijuana, including a flow chart, forms and more can be found here.

Building Codes
The City of Norman approved the amendment and adoption of updated building, fire, and property maintenance codes from the 2015 family of codes to the 2018 family of codes effective June 22, 2023.

Permitting Statistics
The Permitting Statistics page includes the reports of all permits issued on a monthly basis.

Incentive Programs
The City offers two incentive programs.The Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Program and Visitability Program. This page includes details about both programs.