
The City of Norman Utility Customer Service Division is responsible for the billing and collection of Water, Sewer and Sanitation revenues. We strive to uphold our excellent customer service reputation on which our citizens have come to rely.

Commercial Utility Information

Commercial Utility Rates

Water Rates

$10.90 Base Fee per Unit

$4.69 per 1,000 gallons (up to the user's average winter consumption)

$7.04 per 1,000 gallons (for usage exceeding the user's average winter consumption)

Sewer Rates

$5.00 Base Rate per Unit

$2.70 per 1,000 gallons of consumption

$5.00 Maintenance Fee

Low Income Rate - $2.50 discount on the Maintenance Fee

Residential and commercial sewer rates are calculated using the same formula; however, commercial rates are computed monthly based on 80% of water consumption while residential rates are computed yearly, based on the average water consumption billed during the months of December, January and February. Residential rates change each March. Apartment complexes not individually metered are calculated yearly using the same formula multiplied by the number of units.

Other Charges


Regular Rate: 

$19.64 per unit

Low Income Rate: 

N/A (must qualify based on Federal Guidelines) 

Oklahoma Solid Waste Management Act (OSWMA)

Commercial - $.20 per unit

Capital Improvement Charge (CIC)

Commercial - 60% of sewer $ figure


Utility Service Start Up Costs

Deposits for each meter are required by City Code and are refundable when the account has been closed. Commercial deposits begin at $30.00. To better serve our customers, it is no longer necessary to come into our office to start an account. Customers may call our office to establish service and their deposit can be added to their first bill.

In addition to the deposit, a one-time processing/connection fee of $10.00 is also added to the first bill for each new account opened.

Deposits are transferable to another Norman address and the transfer fee is $20.00