Yardwaste Collection

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  The weekly yard waste collection will remain on a once per week collection. There will be no change for the winter months.



Yard waste is collected once per week.

  • Place yard waste out for service no later than 7:00 a.m.
  • Yard waste and yard waste containers, may be placed at the curbside no earlier than 12 p.m. the day prior to collection and must be removed from the curbside no later than 12:00 p.m. the day following collection.
  • Other than collection times, the yard waste containers shall be placed house side, not left at the curb.
  • Tree limbs need to be no more than 4 feet in length and no more than 2 inches in diameter and bundled with twine or string.
  • Yard waste should be placed no more than 7 feet from the curbside.
  • Yard waste is not to be placed in the polycart. Customers may use trash bags or regular cans as long as they do not exceed 35 gallons. Click here to learn preferred and environmentally friendly ways to set out yard waste.

Rural customers should contact the Sanitation office at (405) 329-1023, if you need a pickup.


Click here for more Residential Collection information. 


To find your collection day, view our interactive Residential Sanitation Collection Maps and click on "Yard Waste Pick-up Day".