Information for Medical Marijuana Businesses
Do I need a Building Permit?
Medical Marijuana FAQ
Medical Marijuana Licensing
Please be sure to contact the Planning Department at 405-366-5433 to ensure the location you are requesting is zoned to do this type of business.
Effective November 1, 2021 by the State of Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA) regarding Certificates of Compliance (COC) for Commercial Business License:
- If you are current on your business licenses with OMMA, the City of Norman, and are only renewing your license you will need to renew through the OMMA’s licensing portal instead of the regular COC. *This only applies to businesses that have previously submitted a valid Certificate of Compliance showing full compliance in accordance with 63 O.S. § 426.1(E) and have no changes that would require any additional inspections, licensure, or permitting by the State or municipality.
- If you are a new business, have had a change in ownership, change of use, changed locations, license has expired with OMMA or you are not current with the annual City of Norman business license, then you will still be required to submit a Certificate of Compliance to OMMA. If you have any questions about the City of Norman Business License please call (405) 366-5386.
Please contact the OMMA office for any additional questions regarding their forms or requirements.
Medical Marijuana Permitting
Construction permit applications should be done through our online portal. To schedule a site inspection for a medical marijuana business, call (405) 366-5242. Supporting documents for non-residential construction projects can be found on our Supporting Documents page.
Medical Marijuana Certificate of Compliance Process
The questions below will help you find the necessary steps in the process of opening a medical marijuana business. This is also available in a graphical format.