In 1992, the City of Norman initiated a juvenile offender program to complement the prosecution efforts of the Cleveland County District Attorney's Office and to become more proactive in reducing juvenile crime in Norman. Since that time, the number of cases referred to the City for prosecution has grown to the point that weekly juvenile dockets are held in Municipal Court. Additionally, all juveniles alleged to be in violation of an ordinance of the City of Norman appear at a pre-arraignment conference (PAC) with their parent or legal guardian to discuss the circumstances of their violation with the Assistant City Attorney and determine the appropriate course of action to address their situation. The juveniles may be required to perform community service or attend community programs, such as a substance abuse evaluation, tobacco or vaping prevention class, counseling, write letters of apology to parents or victims, provide updated grades and attendance, or submit to random drug tests. Additionally, the juveniles and their families are often referred to other resources that may be helpful.
Common juvenile offenses that may be prosecuted in municipal court
- Public Intoxication
- Possession of alcohol, marijuana, or paraphernalia
- Possession of tobacco or vaping products
- Attempt to purchase alcohol
- Curfew
- Truancy
- Petty Larceny
- Outraging public decency
- Disturbing the Peace
- Molesting Property
- Trespassing
- Graffiti
- Interference with Office Process
- Littering
- Failure to Appear