The City of Norman Emergency Management (NEM) Division works to mitigate, plan and prepare for, respond to, and recover from the various emergencies and disasters that affect our city. We utilize an all-hazards approach, focusing on the various emergency functions that need performed in time of trouble.
Preparedness through Public Education, Outreach and Training
During normal operations, NEM conducts public education and outreach programs to support community resilience and enhance disaster preparedness and situational awareness throughout the City of Norman. NEM coordinates disaster volunteer response training and operates a robust emergency response volunteer program, coordinates with the National Weather Service on training of weather spotters and actively participates with public safety preparedness partners locally and regionally.
Coordinating Emergency Response and Recovery
NEM is the responsible Division for coordination with the State and Federal Emergency Management Agencies for emergency response measures. NEM coordinates with the Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD) partners and governmental agencies to provide disaster relief and assistance to the residents of Norman.
Prevention and Protection
NEM supports the Prevention and Protection missions by conducting threat and risk site assessments, promoting continual training and education and collaborating with public safety on available grant programs.
NEM coordinates the cities efforts to reduce the impacts of natural and man-made hazards by maintaining the cities Hazard Mitigation Plan, coordinating the hazard mitigation plan process and administering mitigation grant programs.
Items to consider during a hazard plan are shelter in place vs. a possible evacuation. During evacuations some considerations should be the evacuations routes, knowing the neighborhood and alternate routes with in it or throughout the city. Knowledge of the event taking place, vehicle preparedness, possible supplies stored and ready to pack in backpack. Being prepared is key to help yourself, your family and the community.

Preparedness Information - Click Here