Electric scooters first appeared in the City of Norman in August of 2018 and have proved popular amongst users. By January 2019, the City of Norman had developed a limited license agreement to allow scooter providers to offer their services on city streets and rights of way and collect appropriate fees.
While this mode of transportation has proven to be popular amongst many residents, for others, scooters can be a nuisance or a hazard if not operated or parked appropriately. Users should follow all rules and regulations as outlined in the provider’s user agreement, as well as state and local laws.
The City expects this industry to evolve over time as new technologies emerge. The information here is intended to provide general guidelines to our residents.
Scooter Parking Guidelines
- Scooters shall be parked upright on hard surfaces in the furnishings zone or frontage zone of the sidewalk, beside a bicycle rack or in another area specifically designated for bicycle parking;
Scooters shall not be parked in such a manner as to block the through pedestrian zone of the sidewalk; any fire hydrant, call box, or other emergency facility; bus bench; or utility pole or box;
Scooters shall not be parked in such a manner as to impede or interfere with the reasonable use of any commercial window display or access to or from any building;
Scooters shall not be parked in such a manner as to impede or interfere with the reasonable use of any bicycle rack or news rack;
Scooters may be parked on blocks without sidewalks only if the travel lane(s) and a 6-foot pedestrian clear zone are not impeded.
Scooters shall not be parked in the furnishings zone directly adjacent to or within the following areas, such that access is impeded:
Transit zones, including bus stops, shelters, passenger waiting areas and bus layover and staging zones, except at existing bicycle racks;
Loading zones;
Disabled parking zone;
Street furniture that requires pedestrian access (for example – benches, parking pay stations, bus shelters, transit information signs, etc.);
Curb ramps;
Entryways; and
Reporting Issues with E-Scooters
The fastest way to request relocation of a scooter is via their app. It is helpful to note the device number and the precise location of the device.
Methods of contact and other details for companies currently licensed to provide E-Scooters in Norman are listed below.
Email: hello@veoride.com
24/7 Support Line: +1 (855) 836-2256
Website Form
For more information, see Veo’s User Agreement.
Email: support@li.me
24/7 Support Line: +1 (888)546-3345
Website Form
For more information, see Lime’s User Agreement.
Email: hello@bird.co
24/7 Support Line: +1 (866) 205-2442
Website Form
For more information, see Bird’s User Agreement.
The provider is required to remove or relocate an improperly parked device within 2 hours of receiving notice. If the device is not removed in a reasonable about of time, or you have another question or concern regarding scooters, you can send an email to transit@normanok.gov and city staff will follow up.
For other City-related concerns, please contact the Action Center.
To Request Relocation of a Scooter
The fastest way to request relocation of a device is to contact the company directly. Methods of contact for each company are listed in the previous section.