Ward 7 - Stephen Tyler Holman

City Council Holman 2023

Councilmember Stephen Holman is the 4th generation of his family to call Norman home dating all the way back to the early 1900’s. His great Grandfather Charlie Holman owned a shoe and saddle shop on East Main Street in Downtown Norman for many decades and his grandpa Bill Holman retired from Central State (Griffin) Hospital after 42 years.

Ward Seven begins at the intersection of Chautauqua Avenue and the southern City limits; north on Chautauqua Avenue to Boyd Street; east on Boyd Street to Elm Avenue; south on Elm Avenue to Brooks Street; east on Brooks Street to the BNSF railroad tracks; southeast along the BNSF railroad tracks to Lindsey Street; east on Lindsey Street to 12th Avenue S.E.; south along 12th Avenue S.E. to Classen Boulevard; southeast along Classen Boulevard to the Southern City limits (Post Oak Road); and west on Post Oak Road to the point of beginning.

Stephen is most interested in addressing Stormwater and water quality issues in addition to housing affordability and transportation throughout Norman. He believes in holding government accountable to the people it represents and serves.

Stephen’s primary employment is as General Manager of the Friendly Market, which is a small family owned local business in Downtown Norman, but you can also find him working the door at least one night a week at the Deli on Campus Corner, which is the oldest live music venue in Norman. 

Stephen has a long list of service, which includes the 2010 Complete Count Census Committee, 2060 Strategic Water Supply Committee, and Center City Visioning Committee. 

As of July 6, 2021, Stephen, is the currently longest serving member of the City Council, sitting on the Council Oversight Committee and serves as Chair to the Council Community Planning and Transportation Committee.  He was appointed as the alternate City Council representative to the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments Association and the Regional Transit Authority.