Bridge Bond Maintenance Program to be on October 2023 ballot for Norman Voters

As no sustainable and consistent funding source for bridge replacement or major rehabilitation currently exists in Norman, City Council began discussions regarding a City of Norman Bridge Maintenance Bond Program in Fall 2022. After a series of public presentations and research completed in July 2023, direction to pursue an October 2023 vote of the people regarding a 10-year, $50 million program was given to staff. Passage of this proposition will allow 6 Bridge Replacements and 4 Major Bridge Maintenance and Rehabilitation projects beginning in 2024; this proposal also includes a contingency of funding to allow for unexpected changes in priority or emergencies within the city’s bridge inventory. Projects were compiled using detailed bridge inspection data completed by a third party engineering firm. The City of Norman is responsible for the maintenance of 80 bridges and 300 culvert crossings; more than a quarter of its bridges were constructed prior to 1950.  By federal law, each of the City’s 80 bridges receive a detailed inspection and evaluation every two years.

Proposed monthly property tax increases for the 10-year program vary by home value; general estimates entail $2.44 for a $100,000 home, $5.10 for a $200,000 home, and $7.75 for a $300,000 home. The proposed tax change would be in place for a minimum of 20 years if the program is approved by Norman voters.

Norman City Council set this proposition to go to a vote of the people during a public meeting on August 8, 2023. It will appear on a ballot for Norman voters on October 10, 2023. Learn more at
