Porter Avenue to be reduced to one lane in each direction beginning March 6, 2024

Porter Avenue traffic will be moved to one lane in each direction, between Alameda Street and Robinson Street, beginning March 6, 2024.  This traffic shift is for the purpose of resurfacing work within the project limits.  This work will include milling of the existing pavement surface, constructing a new top layer of asphalt, and final pavement markings on the new pavement.

As work progresses, traffic will be shifted between lanes to maintain at least one open lane in each direction at all times. The specific lanes open will vary periodically to accommodate construction.  Therefore, travelers should follow construction zone signage during the lane reductions and be aware of workers within the street throughout the work zone. This paving phase is expected to last approximately 3 weeks. 


History of the Project

In April 2019, citizens of Norman voted in favor of a Bond Issue to finance the local share of 19 transportation improvement projects. Two of the 19 bond projects are the Porter Avenue and Acres Street Intersection Bond Project, and the Porter Avenue Streetscape Bond Project. The Porter Avenue Streetscape Bond Project consists of design and construction of streetscape elements along the Porter Avenue corridor between Robinson Avenue on the north and Alameda Street on the south.  The total construction cost for the project is approximately $5.1 million. Of that, approximately $2.8 million will be paid by federal grant. The remaining $2.3 million will be paid for through the City of Noman 2019 Bond Program. The Oklahoma Department of Transportation conducted a bid opening on October 20, 2022, for the Porter Avenue Streetscape 2019 Bond Project.  The low bidder was SAC Services, Inc. of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.  ODOT awarded the project on November 7, 2022. It is expected to be fully completed by Spring 2024.

The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is administering the construction of this project, with the assistance of Atkins and cooperation of the City of Norman.

Proposed improvements include:

  • New sidewalks
  • Driveway consolidation or elimination (access management)
  • Decorative roadway and pedestrian lighting
  • Landscaping
  • New curb and gutter
  • New Decorative Traffic Signals
  • Pedestrian safety improvements
