UPDATE, 3/24/23: Debris Removal operations are scheduled to end 4/8/23. Residents are reminded that only initial debris generated from storm are eligible for removal. Private demolition and recovery efforts will be the responsibility of property owners and their contractors. Residents are asked to place any remaining debris along rights-of-ways per previous guidance by Tuesday, March 28, 2023 to guarantee removal. Additional debris piles generated following this deadline may be ineligible for removal and the responsibility of property owners to remove.
POSTED 3/1/23: The City of Norman is continuing its recovery process in the wake of the February 26, 2023, tornado that caused damage in Norman and debris removal operations will soon begin. Mayor Larry Heikkila has declared a Disaster Emergency in the City of Norman by proclamation. The City's debris removal contractor is TFR Enterprises, Inc. Their hours of operation will be from 7 AM to 7 PM, six days a week beginning Monday, March 6, 2023 (no operations on Sundays). Please see below instruction and information pertaining to the removal work or review further instruction by illustration here.
- In accordance with FEMA standards, Norman residents are asked to place any storm-generated debris from this event on the public right-of-way. A map of the affected areas can be found here.The public right-of-way is the area of residential property that extends from the street to the sidewalk, ditch, utility pole or easement (approximately 12 feet in width). Residents should make every effort to place clean, woody debris along the public street right-of-way and not in alleyways or drainage channels. This should include storm-damaged limbs, branches and other vegetative material (woody burnable debris such as limbs and shrubbery). This material should be cut in approximately 8' -12' lengths and stacked in piles along the right-of-way or within 5' of the curb or edge of roadway.
- All residential neighborhoods in the affected area that receive regular city services (sanitation and/or water services) are eligible for debris removal.
- Norman residents are asked to continue to avoid storm damaged areas as the increased traffic will only delay clean up operations.
- Only residential properties are eligible for debris removal. No commercial or industrial properties will be provided debris removal services by the City of Norman.
- Keep vegetative debris separated from construction and demolition debris, as they will be collected separately. Construction and demolition (C&D) debris includes building materials such as lumber, roof shingles, wooden fences, glass, metal products as well as appliances and furniture. The vegetative debris and C&D may not be picked up from the right-of-way at the same time. Bagged debris should not be placed on the public right-of-way; only loose debris will be collected.
- Do not place debris near water meter vault, fire hydrant or any other above-ground utility. Only debris placed on the public right-of-way will be eligible for collection.
- During the debris removal process, City contractors will collect debris along the street right-of-way. Residents may experience increased traffic, temporary road closures or delays on some streets where these contractors are working. Contractors will have flag persons and signage displayed to alert travelers of operations. Please be cautious when passing and travel at slow speeds in these areas.
- The City will make at least two passes along the streets of affected areas over the next three to four weeks. If all debris is not picked up during the initial pass, please continue to place your remaining debris on the right-of-way for collection on subsequent passes.
- Weekly household garbage and yard waste collection will continue its normal schedule. Limbs no larger than two inches in diameter, bundled in four foot lengths will be picked up by the City’s Solid Waste Division. Please place the bags of yard waste along the curb as usual, but keep separate from the storm debris.
- Residents are asked to remove parked cars or other obstructions from the public street when the debris contractor is working.
- Please frequent this webpage for additional information and updates regarding recovery efforts.
For more information or to report private property damage incurred as a result of this debris removal operation, please call the City's Action Center at 405-366-5396. View a FAQs sheet here.