Complaints, Inquiries, and Use of Force

The complaints, inquiries, and use of force datasets include information on all documented internal and external complaint and inquiries as well as reported uses of force. 

Incidents by Type and Disposition

Terms Used

Incidents by Type and Disposition is dataset one of four. It is a high-level incident focused report (one record/incident). Specifically, it covers:

  • FILENUM: This is the unique report number
  • INCIDENT_TYPE: This is a description of the incident – Complaint (internal/external and formal/informal), Inquiry (internal/external and formal/informal), and Use of Force
  • SOURCE: This describes who or what initiated the report
  • RECEIVED_DATE: This is the date the report was received into the system
  • OCCURRED_DATE: This is the date that the report occurred – this is also the date used to determine which year the data falls under
  • INC_STATUS: This explains whether an incident investigation/review has been “completed”, is “active”, or something else

Subjects by Incidents and Demographics

Terms Used

Subjects by Incidents and Demographics is dataset two of four. It is a more detailed incident-focused report based on each subject (one record/subject). Specifically, it covers:

  • FILENUM: This is the unique report number and corresponds to the “FILENUM” in the “IAIncidentsTypeStatusQ-XXXX” data set.
  • INCIDENT_TYPE: This is a description of the incident and again corresponds to the “INCIDENT_TYPE” in the “IAIncidentsTypeStatusQ-XXXX” data set.
  • INVOLVMENT: This describes the role that the specific individual played in the incident
  • SUBJ_TYPE: This explains whether the subject is an “Officer” (any employee of the department) or a “Citizen” a non-departmental person
  • SUBJ_INC_NUM: This is the unique number for each individual involved in an incident. A single individual can have more than one involvement, but will retain the unique number for that incident
  • AGE: This is the subject’s age
  • YRS_EMPL: If the individual is an “officer” this is the years they have worked for the department (otherwise it is blank)
  • SEX: This is the individual’s gender or gender identity
  • RACE: This is the individual’s race (if known) and/or ethnicity

Subjects by Allegation and Finding

Terms Used

Subjects by Allegation and Finding is dataset three of four. It is another more detailed subject-focused report but based on each officer/allegation (one record/officer/allegation). Specifically, it covers:

  • FILENUM: This is the unique report number and corresponds to the “FILENUM” in the “IAIncidentsTypeStatusQ-XXXX” data set.
  • INCIDENT_TYPE: This is a description of the incident and again corresponds to the “INCIDENT_TYPE” in the “IAIncidentsTypeStatusQ-XXXX” data set.
  • SOURCE: SOURCE: This describes who or what initiated the report and is the same as “SOURCE” in the “IAInicidentsTypeStatusQ-XXXX” data set.
  • SUBJ_TYPE: This identifies the subject as an “Officer” (member of the department) and corresponds to the “SUBJ_TYPE” in the “IAIncidentsSubjectsDemographicsQ-XXXX” data set
  • SUBJ_INC_NUM: This is the unique number for each individual involved in an incident. A single individual can have more than one involvement, but will retain the unique number for that incident. It correspondes to the “SUBJ_INC_NUM” from the “IAIncidentsSubjectsDemographicsQ-XXXX” data set.
  • ALLEGATION_MADE: This describes the nature of wrong doing involved in the incident. There may be more than one allegation per “Officer”
  • FINDING: This is the determination or outcome of a review/investigation. There are 7 possible findings depending on whether an allegation was informal (involves a minor act or omission to act and appropriate action has been taken by a supervisor), or formal (a more serious act or omission to act). All allegations are reviewed by the Chief of Police or Deputy Chief of police to ensure an appropriate informal/formal characterization.
    • Informal Findings:
      • No Misconduct: the alleged act did not occur, did not involve a department member, or was justified and proper
      • Corrective Action: the alleged act did occur, but was the result of a minor deficiency in training or a minor failure to perform as expected
      • Exceptional: there are extenuating circumstances not applicable to other findings
    • Formal Findings:
      • Unfounded: the alleged act did not occur or did not involved a department member
      • Exonerated: the alleged act did occur but it was justified and proper
      • Sustained: the alleged act did occur and it constituted misconduct
      • Not sustained: there is insufficient evidence to sustain or exonerate an allegation
      • Exceptional: there are extenuating circumstances not applicable to other findings (same as with an informal exceptional finding)

Subjects by Resistance and Force

Terms Used

Subjects by Resistance and Force is dataset four of four. It is another more detailed subject-focused report but based on each officer/allegation (one record/officer/allegation). Specifically, it covers:

  • FILENUM: This is the unique report number and corresponds to the “FILENUM” in the “IAIncidentsTypeStatusQ-XXXX” data set.
  • INCIDENT_TYPE: This is a description of the incident and again corresponds to the “INCIDENT_TYPE” in the “IAIncidentsTypeStatusQ-XXXX” data set.
  • SERVICE_TYPE: This is a brief description of the call or incident that resulted in force
  • SOURCE: This describes who or what initiated the report and is the same as “SOURCE” in the “IAInicidentsTypeStatusQ-XXXX” data set.
  • SUBJ_TYPE: This identifies the subject as in the “SUBJ_TYPE” field of the “IAIncidentsSubjectsDemographicsQ-XXXX” data set, if further describes an “officer” as either a “reporter” (completed the report) or a “witness”
  • SUBJ_INC_NUM: This is the unique number for each individual involved in an incident. A single individual can have more than one involvement, but will retain the unique number for that incident. It corresponds to the “SUBJ_INC_NUM” from the “IAIncidentsSubjectsDemographicsQ-XXXX” data set.
  • RESISTANCE_TYPE: this describes the type of opposition encountered by officers
  • SUB_ACT_DESC: describes specific actions by the officer or citizen as appropriate
  • UOF_EFFECTIVE: indicates whether the force used successfully overcame the resistance presented
  • SUBJ_INJ: indicates whether the officer or citizen was hurt as a result of the force/resistance
  • SUBJ_INJ_HOSP: indicates whether the officer or citizen required hospitalization/medical attention as a result of the force/resistance