Contact Municipal Court


For general Municipal Court information or record checks, please contact us using the form below or call us at (405) 366-5325. 

If you are requesting Municipal Court records, please click and read the "Request for Record - Cost Inspection and/or Copy Fee" information below.  (Please be as specific as possible of the record(s) you are requesting.)

If you request to be contacted by mail or telephone, please fill out the corresponding section of the form below.

If you are requesting Cleveland County District Court records, such as adoption, felony charges, Highway Patrol, marriage or divorce licenses, or name changes, please contact Cleveland County at (405) 321-6402.

Record Check Request

Request for Record - Cost Inspection and/or Copy Fee

Records of the City of Norman are open for inspection/copying unless specifically exempt from disclosures by the Oklahoma Open Records Act. Charges may apply as followed by state law and City Resolution No. R-8889-1.

Charges: A charge for providing copies of public record is authorized by state law and has been adopted by City Council in R-8889-1 establishing fees for photocopying. The custodian may demand prepayment of a fee whenever the estimate amount exceeds $10.00. The Court may charge a search fee to recover the direst cost of record search and copying if it is determined, the request would clearly cause excessive disruption of the essential function of the Court.

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