NFD shares fire protection information and encourages independent planning for property owners

The City of Norman has an extensive water distribution system that provides recommended firefighting flows for the City of Norman. For those areas not served by fire hydrants, the Norman Fire Department (NFD) has specialized fire apparatus that includes tankers, pumper tankers and brush pumpers that provide substantial water and firefighting capabilities in those areas. 

“Water supply in the urban interface and rural areas of the City of Norman can be challenging. Thanks to the citizens of Norman voting for the Public Safety Sales Tax, the Norman Fire Department has been able to add two 3,000 gallon tankers and two 3,000 gallon pumper tankers to the response fleet,” said NFD Interim Deputy Chief Joel Chesser. “In addition, we have forged automatic aid agreements to strengthen our response by adding additional tankers, pumpers and personnel in those automatic aid zones. When a fire event happens in areas not served by fire hydrants, up to 18,000 gallons of water can now be available at those scenes.”

The City of Norman and the Fire Department also collaborate with governmental agencies to mitigate fire risk within the community. The Norman Fire Department continually analyzes strategies, equipment and technology that can improve outcomes in the event of a wildfire or structure fire.

“The Norman Fire Department trains with OKC FD, Moore FD, Little Axe FD, Noble FD and volunteer fire departments to ensure our equipment and personnel function as intended during an event,” Chesser said. “Recently, the Norman Fire Prevention division has acquired two drones. In the urban interface and rural areas, topography and terrain doesn’t always allow us to see fire behavior and threatened structures. Now, with the use of the drones, we are able to anticipate wildfire movement and identify threatened structures earlier.”

The Fire Prevention Division, in concert with the Fire Chief, works with and for Norman's rural community, always evaluating ways to safely reduce wildfire risk through our outdoor burning program. Those living or owning property in an area zoned agricultural should familiarize themselves with guidelines provided online by the Norman Fire Department for burning excess agricultural material safely. NFD is also in the process of collaborating with the City of Norman's Parks & Recreation Department, and other community partners, to establish a Community Wildfire Protection Plan.

It is recommended that every citizen take time to evaluate their home or property and have a fire preparedness plan in place. See tips and valuable information about ways residents can reduce the risks to their homes during a wildfire event in the provided FireWise USA Guide.
